Author name: Mathur Manu

Seasoned Digital Marketing Professional | Blog, SEO Writing and PPC Ad Copy Expert | Creative Strategist and Results-Driven Marketer | Expertise in Long-form & short-form articles, Landing pages, Social Media posts, Website content, and more. An individual who’s hungry for knowledge and a little motivation. The right combination of words is his ultimate symphony. Life motto: Have the courage to follow your heart and Intuition!!!


Coronavirus – How is it Jeopardizing the Industrial Operations Globally

One of the biggest news of the moment is the widespread release of the Coronavirus. The sudden outbreak of the virus in China has frozen the entire world’s economy majorly impacting countries like Japan, South Korea, Europe, and the United States. Through this blog post, we help you understand – what is Coronavirus, how it

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Work-life Balance – Why is it the Need of the Hour?

“It’s nearly midnight and Richa is still editing her supposedly last e-mail for the client before going to the bed. These trivial edits of full-stops and semicolons are now simply frustrating her.” She promised herself at the beginning of this month that she would keep her work and personal life separate and would maintain her

Work-life Balance – Why is it the Need of the Hour? Read More »


Emotional Intelligence And Personality: How One Affects Another

Have you ever felt dissatisfied or unhappy even after performing well at academics or at work front? How many times have you felt that you aren’t able to understand your feelings or of the people around you? Have you ever felt yourself at an awkward position just because you aren’t able to convey your thoughts

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Startup: How Are They Changing Overall Business Ecosystem of India?

Startup: How Are They Changing Overall Business Ecosystem of India?

Shraddha aspires of becoming an entrepreneur and draws out millions of startup ideas every day. She desperately waits for her 2-year MBA course to finish so that she can start working on her dreams. Clearly, she ain’t alone; Entrepreneurship has emerged as a potential career option for almost everyone especially youth. Today youngsters need a

Startup: How Are They Changing Overall Business Ecosystem of India? Read More »


Sleeping Less?? Some Easy Tactics to Help You Deal with Insomnia

Ananya was in the constant habit of giving her work more priority over sleep. Her parents always used to make her understand the importance of sleeping properly, but she never paid much attention. For her, work always came first and then everything else. You could always see Ananya on her smartphone or laptop working or

Sleeping Less?? Some Easy Tactics to Help You Deal with Insomnia Read More »

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