Tips to bosst Up Body Metabolism

How to Increase Your Body Metabolism – 5 Simple Tips

Nothing is better than the sound of a great diet and exercise, but there are some natural ways in which you can increase your body metabolism.  Everyone wants to be in great shape except for being round. There is no magic formula to reduce weight or on how to increase your body metabolism. Not just simple tips, metabolism can also be kept high if one is clean from the inside.

Your body is burning energy all the time, even when you are resting. The rate at which you burn your fat resting it called basal metabolic rate (BMR). Visit the link before you ask how to calculate BMR and why is it important. Also, fire up your body engine with these sure shot tips about how to increase your body metabolism:

Turn the temperature down

Many would suggest turning up the heat, but I would recommend otherwise. As per a study conducted in 2014 by National Institute of Health, sleeping in a cold room increases a percentage of brown fat. It is a type of fat which helps to burn other fat, in turn, increasing metabolism. Keeping the home or office cool can have similar effects over time.

Drink Water loads of it

With my personal experience, I have witnessed a significant increase in my body metabolism over a period of just one week. Drinking almost 4 litres of water can really keep your mind alert and body active for a longer period of time. Additionally, the stomach is full so you do not feel hungry also so often. For me, it was like hitting a jackpot!

Work Out on your Muscles

Muscles not only weigh more than fat but use up more energy as well. Women in their 30s who train for 30-40 mins in the gym for 4 months can increase her body metabolism up to 100 calories per day during her resting period. The body is simply resetting your thermostat to keep running even for the days when you can’t go to the gym.  One must avoid living a Sedentary Lifestyle as it has its own drastic effects on the body. If you aren’t sure if you are living a sedentary lifestyle, do give my other article on effects of Sedentary Lifestyle a good read.

Keep stress levels at bay

Stress is an entry point to bad health and other illnesses. Keep stress levels to the minimum and try to keep calm in stressed out situations. It will not only help you think better but also maintain your body metabolism. Interesting fact, stress causes a kind of hormone called ‘cortisol’ which builds up belly fat. Now, you know how you are increasing on that portion of the body.

Don’t Slash Calories

This will make your body think times are lean and start preserving fat. Instead slowly switch to more fibre food like fruits and salads. Eat enough calories to match your resting metabolism. For example, for 5 feet 4-inch height 68 kg and a 40-year-old woman, the calorie intake is 1330. Wondering how to find your intake.? No worries, simply visit the link to find your regular calorie intake.

These were some of the simple things which you can take care on a daily basis. Now, if someone asks you – How to Increase your Body Metabolism? Give in your insights with utmost confidence. There are many other factors which contribute to decreasing the metabolism rate. It naturally slows down with age. But, even when you have a horrible daily diet, there are ways which can help increase your body metabolism. Having a high metabolism rate can help in reducing weight and also provide more energy to the body.

You can also read some more 11 ways to boost your metabolism. I am sure both these articles will surely help you in obtaining a good health over the years.

4 thoughts on “How to Increase Your Body Metabolism – 5 Simple Tips”

  1. ma dici davvero???? O_____oIo ho la mia Smartina che oramai sul contachilometri ha l'equivalente di tre giri del mondo e dovrei proprio cambiarla, e stavo pensando alla nuova Panda che doveva ancora uscire… ma a) questa nuova mi pare, a occhio, peggio della vecchia e b) non mi ci metto a fare le rate per un prodotto "pensato" in un certo modo, costruito in un certo modo e poi venduto così, avvolto in un tricolore come carta da img.tlagbio.a.Fial… sto spot vallo a fare a Detroit.

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