Hi, I’m Manu Mathur


An Engineer by Profession, A Writer by Choice


Intrigued by music, strategy, writing, art, philosophy, and even better conversations.

Seeking to be inspired, to envision the unlikely, to work hard for things that are worth it, and to be surrounded by those who bring out the best in me.

Life so far…

  • Breathing since 1990
  • Met the perfect girl in 2016
  • Proposed and Married to her in 2017

Thinking about…

  • Writing a better story
  • Raising Performance Levels

Lover of…

  • Quality Content
  • Characterful Copy
  • Classical Music
  •  Books

Hater of…

  • Bullshit Buzzwords
  • Decorative yet Complex Design
  • Copy Cats

Look me up on…

and say Hi. 🙂

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